Power Media Production

Who We Are

Power Media Production is the parent company of Power 945 Internet Radio and Convention Video. Two media companies who merged into on for our love of geeky and anime conventions!


Power 945 Internet Radio

Founded back in 1999, Power 945 has been at the front of pop culture in East Tennessee for over 20 years and have been a staple in the convention scene for over 15 years now. Your Convention Connection!


Convention Video

Getting started in 2010, Convention Video has been covering anime and geek conventions for over 10 years and our love of them has only gotten larger! Go Check out some of our coverage of the southeast's biggest conventions!


DJ Jay Sylverhart

Check Out Our Websites!

Links To Us!

Below is our logo's and the pictures of our staff, please click on the logo's for links to our websites! We would love it if you would!

Graphics Provided By

Logo and graphics are by Alan Van Fleet of Fine Nerdist Prints. Find his store and social belowETSYhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/finenerdistryprints/Website -https://www.aevanfleet.com/

©2023 Power Media Production.
All rights reserved.